February 14 - March 28, 2024

Beloved 40
Lenten Journey

What is Beloved 40?

Lent is a type of renewal and strength. A lot about Lent can be focused on externalities. Rather than focusing on “giving up things” or “taking things on”, we would like to help you grow on the inside, on the strength of prayer. We will dive deeply into the power of personal mental prayer: the prayer of quiet, of desire, of union with Jesus Christ.

Growing in self-denial

Growing in Prayer

Growing Together

Growing in Self-Denial

To grow in depth in your prayer, it’s important to pair down the things that scatter you and make you spiritually lazy: media consumption, food, drink, gossip, etc.

Lent is a time to commit yourself to be more like Christ.

What would you like to commit to? Feel free to fill out this form and we will send it to you.

If you plan to sign up, we will send you this information by email and send you a reminder every once in a while of your commitment. This information is not shared with anyone. It’s just for yourself.

Growing in Prayer

'To pray is to talk with God. But about what?' About what? About Him, about yourself: joys, sorrows, successes and failures, noble ambitions, daily worries, weaknesses! - St Josemaria, The Way, 91

During Lent, we will share with you how to deepen your prayer. Whether you’re just beginning or well-versed in the fruits of prayer, it is always good to renew and grow more.

"Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced fruit a hundredfold.”

Let us try to pray with love and fervour this Lent so that we truly are that seed that fell on good soil.

Growing together

It’s hard to do this alone. Having an accountability buddy or even just meeting with like-minded friends can help to boost your morale. During the Lent, we have a couple of things organised to help you along your way.

  • Evenings of Guided Prayer and the opportunity for Confession or Spiritual Guidance.

  • Social Outreach Volunteering

  • Weekend away - Christian Witness Seminar

Community Events during Lent